
My Wander Adventures in My 20s

Today marks the last day of my 20s. Tomorrow I will wake up celebrating my 3rd decade in this world and I couldn’t be any more grateful. So, I decided to sit down and look back at all the memories I had in my 20s. There were a lot of challenges, so many highs, and lows, but I made it

Monday Motivation: 5 Female Travel Bloggers I Follow

Monday Motivation – my new blog series where I share anything and everything that inspires me that I might inspire you as well. The idea of “Monday Motivation” started with my boss. When I started working as her virtual assistant 8 years ago, the first task she gave me was to complete a Monday motivation post. I have to gather

2 Years of Blogging: Updates, Mistakes, and Future Plans

Hey there! I still can’t believe that this month I’m celebrating my 2 years of blogging. Where did the time go? I’m so happy and grateful. Today, I aim to share with you a few updates about my blog, the lessons, and mistakes from blogging, and what I plan for My Wander Story. Blog Updates I started My Wander Story